Why a Top Sellers List Rocks
Scenario: "Dude, we're offering everything -- and selling nothing. What do I do? Ahh!" It's the classic entrepreneur's nightmare:
- Throw up all of the products you offer.
- Hope for the best.
- Get mediocre sales.
- Cry.
It happens to all of us.
"Why aren't they buying?"
When you're offering a million products, you'd hope your buyers would be smart enough to analyze each one -- and buy the one they think rocks. But, in a world of a billion offerings:
- We get lost in a maze.
- Then, we humans go through a twisted phenomenon known as analysis paralysis.
- Instead of choosing something among the plethora of offerings, we choose nothing. Nada. Zilch.
What inevitably happens? Lost sales. Lost profits. Lost customers. Lost future sales. Ouch. It doesn't have to happen. An easy way to boost profits this week? Have a top sellers list! Sexy.
Why a Top Sellers List Rocks
Three ways:
- Your prospect buys what other people buy.
- You limit the ^ of items the prospect rejects.
- The prospect leaves with a good first choice.
Let's dive into each one like a dolphin in search of bananas:
Tip ^1: Your prospect buys what other people buy.
The psychological rule: If Bobby B is unfamiliar with a Store S, he bases his buying decision on what other people buy in Store S. Robert Cialdini terms that: "Social Proof." It's akin to running with the herd: If you don't know what you should really do, you unconsciously do what other people do. How can that help you increase sales? It fattens your wallet by transforming first-time lookers into first-time buyers, telling themselves:
- "Other people do buy at this store."
- "And, they are buying these specific items in abundance."
- Unconsciously: "So, I will follow them and buy these things too."
Some bad kats could really abuse this phenomenon, so we do caution: Do it ethically; you'll protect yourself for the long-run.
Tip ^2: You limit the ^ of items the prospect rejects.
The scenario:
- You offer 1000 things.
- You present them with 999 things they have to reject to make a sale.
The second psychological phenomena: People much prefer to avoid loss, than risk it to win. A top sellers list then helps you limit the number of items they "lose" or reject.
Tip ^3: The prospect leaves with a good first choice.
A cool side benefit to a top seller's list: Your best mutha-!@^^%^ products that have the best mutha-!@^^%^ chance of making the best mutha-!@^^%^ first impression. "Oh-my-shizzle. I just bought such a super sexy product. Woo-mutha-hoo!" they start telling their bad-selves after their smart purchases. How does that benefit you when you get an ecstatic customer? You boost:
- Customer morale.
- Referral rates.
- Sexy sales.
Yay for your badass. The template to get your fabulous self started -- and start increasing your fabulous sales:
"Here's our top sellers, playa: __________________________."
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Posted on February 20