How to Boost Employee Productivity
Scenario: "Dude, they must follow guidelines X, then Y, then Z, then yadda, yadda, yadda. Yay!" Buh-laaaaaaaaaah. Crazy corporate productivity suckas make it more complicated than it has to be. To double your company's productivity, simply:
- Look at your to-do list.
- Double the number of to-do entries per day.
- Have fun.
Your company's productivity is directly proportional to how many items you have on your daily to-do list.
Give John X, He'll Do X...
But, give John X * 2, he'll do X * 2. Remember back in college when you procrastinated until the last day on some weak-ass paper topic? Because you had 24 hours to do it, your productivity soared. Likewise, the amount of tasks your company accomplishes is directly proportional to how much time your team has to do those items.
How Our Brains Work
An increasingly looming deadline increases our urgency to the task.
- Scenario 1: If Task A is due in 365 days, your team be chillin.
- Scenario 2: If that same Task A is due in 2 days, their focus increases freakishly.
- Scenario 3: Now, if Task A plus the addition Task B is also due in 2 days, their focus increases freakishly X 2.
Then, to get your company pumpin':
- Increase the number of tasks.
- Decrease deadlines.
El Templato
Our company will accomplish: _______, by: ________.
Amplify dem to-do lists.
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Posted on July 30