Why You Can't Finish Anything
You'd think: "It's because I suck." And we'd go: "But, you don't suck! Yay! High-five!"
So, why can't you finish anything?
- Because there's no such thing as finishing.
- Because even if you've worked 9899875475698390 hours on Task XYZ, there will always be something else to do.
- Because when you've think you've finished, you've settled for mediocrity.
Peep this:
- Google's still working on its search engine.
- Microsoft's still working on its operating system.
- Starbucks is still working on its coffee.
- Apple's still working on its notebooks.
- Renee Zellweger's still working on her face.
The point:
- You will never finish anything.
- You can only "finish" what's sufficient for now.
"Then, how can I mutha-@^^%^ finish what's sufficient?!"
Say your client wants Task ABC done, and you think:
- "Hey! I must get this done, but I can't! Help!"
Then, King Task Finisher Person would slap you and say:
- Finish something in 5 minutes.
- Now, finish something else in 5 minutes.
- Then, finish another thing in 5 minutes.
- Repeat process -- until client says: "By golly, by golly. You have impressed me, by golly."
Finishing big stuff takes completing a series of small 5-minute chunks of work.
Five-Minute Chunks = Good
So the next time you're procrastinating about "finishing" something, do this:
- List several 5-minute chunks of work.
- Complete those mofos like you're a ridiculous stallion.
Still need more work to "finish"?
- List several more 5-minute chunks of work.
- Complete those mofos too.
Repeat that process. Win.
Mini five-minute chunks of work = deliciously good.
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Posted on December 10