How to Hire Employees for Free
- You hire Bob to be your Idea Man.
- Bob has many ideas.
- Bob's ideas ultimately suck.
Customers have more urgent needs that need fulfilled.
Too bad: You just spent a ridiculous sum paying Bob for his speculative ideas that didn't work.
A Better Way
What if you could:
- avoid risky hires?
- find a great-idea person for free?
- excite your customer base for free?
- grow your bottom line for free?
Oh, that'd be sweet, no?
Your Customers.
- tell you how your company sucks
- show precisely you how you can improve
- help you drastically improve your products/services
- offer ideas to grow your offerings
- AND THEN, buy more of your products!
What in the @^^%^?! Are you @^^%^ kidding ^@!@! me??
Woohoooo! (Oh yeah, we're all excited for you too.)
Your Valuable Employees
Companies that:
- don't listen to their customers
- actively seek feedback
shoot themselves with bazookas.
**They're ignoring the vital group who could ridiculously improve their companies for $0.00.
Relying on employee input is essential; but, relying only on their input leaves crucial brainpower on the table.
Instead, work with your customers to build one ridiculously-awesome company that serves the world for all to see.
Heart customers.
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Posted on April 04