Why Aim for Small Goals
- You aim to build one ridiculously large project.
- You complete nothing.
Contrast that with this beautiful thang:
- You aim for a small goal; you complete it.
- You expand that small goal to a slightly bigger goal.
- You complete that too. You gradually go larger.
Gunning for Everest's top prevents you from seeking progress; yet, aiming for Everest's little-tiny-mini basecamps gets you moving upward-and-upward-and-upward ' everyday.
Small-achievable-easy-simple goals get you moving efficiently. Yes, Go Big ' But'
Indeed, have that larger goal in mind; but, don't depend on it.
Using that larger goal to inspire your work won't get you sufficient daily progress.
Small goals ' on the other hand ' excite you to complete something by today ' everyday.
- Erina: Today?
- Tebow: Yeah! Today!
The Beauty of Aiming Small
Think of Newton's Laws of Motion:
- Force = Mass x Acceleration
- An object in motion tends to stay in motion.
When you aim for a big project'
- You complete nothing ' until you complete that big project.
- Because you've completed nothing, you'll have to use tremendous force/energy/mighty-mite-mite to finally complete that big project.
Momentum says Boo! to You.
When you aim for tiny projects'
- You complete one small goal easily/efficiently/quickly.
- You've built momentum to complete a follow-up small goal.
- You gradually increase momentum to pile on more small goals.
Getting into the habit of completing things makes it easier to complete more things.
Momentum loves you. Real-World Examples of The Small Magic
Examples to inspire your compa-nay: Facebook:
- Founder Zuckerberg dude aimed to build a social network for his school.
- He turned it into a social networking multi-billion-dollar empire.
- Sammy aimed to build the most fabulous little convenience store in town.
- He gradually turned that little store into the world's largest retail empire in the world.
- Sergey and Larry aimed to complete a research project on search engines.
- They transformed it into a revolutionary company rivaling the biggest market caps in the world.
Aim For The Small
Small things drive you to complete bigger things.
You'll automatically drive yourself to start beautifying/expanding/empowering what you just completed ' for on-and-on-and-on.
Winner = You.
Think small. Let big come.
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Posted on April 09