How to Sell Stuff
Think of stereotypical seller Joe Goe.
- He's aggressively pitching you, daily.
- Dude-just-does-not-stop. Ever.
Why Joe Can't Sell
Joe's approach is like prodding some stranger to buy you a free gift.
- You'll probably succeed once in a kabillion tries.
- You'll turn the rest of 'em off fo life.
Say NO! to being a net-negative on peeps' lives.
Instead, be a net-positive -- and sell more.
Provide Ridiculous Value
How to sell your IT services to Billy:
- First, provide Billy value -- genuinely. (Teach him where to source for the best tech suppliers, how to keep maintenance costs down, tips to build his software application iteratively, etc.)
- Billy still won't buy? Provide him more value.
- Still won't buy? Provide him even more value.
- Still won't? Provide him even much more crazy-ridiculous value.
- Etc.
Billy tunes in more to your messages because you're helping his life, making him more open to your offerings.
Value, Value, Value, Value.
Keep piling on value, and he'll eventually:
- Buy from you, unsolicited.
- Or, he'll refer his connections to you.
(Rule of reciprocity: You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.)
Hooray for you.
One caveat:
You have to really want to help.
People can spot ungenuine mother-kabluckers from a million miles away.
If you sell some product that provides absolutely no value to peeps' lives, you'll:
- lose those customers for life
- lose their networks for life
Your long-term earning potential: S.U.C.K.
When you:
- genuinely try to improve people's lives
- sell stuff that improves their lives even more'll become a ridiculously-legendary selling machine who wrestles carne asada burritos for fun.
Ridiculous value.
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Posted on April 24