How to Seek Feedback
- You're wondering what customers think.
- You pose a question on a blog entry sent out to all customers: "How can we improve?"
- You get back a disappointing @^^ number of answers.
Where'd everybody go, you think?
Here's why you sucked.
How to Dissuade Response
- Pose an impersonal question.
- People will assume somebody else will answer it.
- So, nobody answers.
That's called a diffusion of responsibility, where people assume no responsibility because they think others will step up.
- "Hey, he didn't ask me directly!"
- "I'm sure somebody else will answer it!"
- "So, I will not answer!"
You end up with nothin', you sad little soul.
If you want mucho feedback, what do you do?
Say NO! to posing a question to the world.
- Choose X amount of folks.
- Make your requests personal to the recipient.
- Win.
That's backed by super psychologist Cialdini: "To diffuse the diffusion of responsibility, be sure to individualize your requests."
- "Hey, he's really wants my opinion!"
- "So, I will answer his request with all my heart!"
Yay for you as you increase the number of feedback responses you get to ridicoulsly rock your business like it ain't no thang but a cherry pie on a tie.
Personalize el requesto.
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Posted on April 29