Why Your Future Sucks
- "In ten years, I will exercise, eat healthy, and live life to the fullest."
- "But today, I will lounge on the couch, eat chili fries, and live like there are a million tomorrows!"
- "Next year, I will build the most ridiculous startup the world has ever seen!"
- "But today, I will read message boards!"
- "Tomorrow, I will start on my project."
- "But today, I will relax!"
How We Human People Suck
We psychologically overrate our futures.
Thinking tomorrow will bring us brighter days, we consistently sacrifice our today/now/this-minute time to the freakish wolves.
- "Tomorrow will be better!"
- "Oh, don't mind how I suck now!"
- "Because, I will be smiling tomorrow!"
That's why we:
- put things on credit card
- take out freakish loans
- put off exercise
- eat junk food
- avoid healthy conflicts
- lease expensive cars
- procrastinate on our projects
Thinking our futures will be oh-so super-duper-riffic-o, we use our today/now/this-minute-time wastefully destroying that very future.
Let's Reframe Our Perspectives
Try this:
- Stop thinking 'in the future.'
- Whatever you do for the rest of your life depends on how you spend today/this-minute/this-second.
- Done.
If you ever start with a sentence with,
- "In the future, I will..."
...do this:
- Look in the mirror.
- Slap the @^^% out of yourself.
Then tell yourself:
- "I will most-likely-probably-like-99% never do anything 'in the future'."
- "If I want something in the future, I make progress -- even if it's teeny-tiny-tiny progress -- toward that future today."
For instance:
"I'll be super-fit in the future!"
Do 5 push-ups this minute. -
"My company will be financially-dope in the future!"
Jot down 1 idea that will cut costs. -
"I'll build one ridiculous business someday!"
Take 5 minutes to register your domain name.
High-five yourself.
You just made your future a closer reality.
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Posted on May 07