How to Set Long-Term Goals
- You set 10 goals for Year 1.
- You set 15 goals for Year 2.
- You set 50 goals for Year 5.
Five Years Later
You check yourself:
- "I've only accomplished only 2 goals -- total!"
Boo to you.
Why'd You Suck So Badly?
Think of trying to cook a 10-course meal simultaneously in three hours.
By the time dinner starts, you've:
- half-butted everything
- accomplished nothing
That is, when you juggle a variety of goals, you'll:
- get "started" on everything
- get nothing done
Result: S.U.C.K.
How to Accomplish Long-Term Goals
- Set one long-term goal.
- Dominate the mother -@^^%.
- Repeat.
(Long-term could mean 6-months, 1-year, 3-years, 10-years -- adapt to YOU).
That is, you set no other long-term goal until you accomplish Goal XYZ with a freakish vengeance.
What happens?
I Revolve My Life Happens.
When you set The Goal, you revolve your entire lifestyle around dominating The Goal -- tinkering with:
- how you're working
- what resources you're exploiting
- who you want around you
- how healthy you're living
- the yaddas accomplish the effer.
Result: Laser-sharp-focused YOU, which ridiculously boosts your chances of accomplishing what you really want to accomplish -- The @^^% Goal.
Kabambizzle to you.
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Posted on May 28