How to Grow Your Small Business
What do you see when you look at Apple?
- "Sweet products! Hooray!"
- "They make everything so b-eee-autiful!"
- "Wow! Even their boxes are so lovely!"
But what if Schmo gave you a gut check:
- "Apple doesn't manufacture its laptops."
- "Apple doesn't make its own boxes."
- "Apple doesn't build its own iPods."
If you were an Apple fanboy, would you cry?
Yes, you would.
The Reality Behind Every Big Business
Behind every big business stands a collection of a kazillion smaller companies -- companies that:
- provides its furnishings
- builds its products
- sweep its floors
- provides its light bulbs
- serves its food
A collection of a kabazillion smaller companies make Target/Wal-mart/P&G/Google/Intel/Goldman/Berkshire work.
Opportunities: Ga-frickin-lore.
Yet, Aspiring Entrepreneurs Want to Suck
The typical 'magical' entrepreneur like Johnny thinks:
- "We got to beat some Apple ass."
- "Then, we'll make billions!"
But when Johnny tries to compete against the big fellas, what happens to Johnny?
Johnny ends up sucking, with clients wondering:
- "What about 24/7 support when I need it?"
- "What if I need some enhancements?"
- "Can't this dude go belly-up within months?"
- "I don't know if I can trust this guy!"
A few years of exhaustive work later, he sees his potential-to-rock-like-a-mofo evaporate.
Meanwhile, his buddy Stevie in the corner office -- who has actively partnering up with bigger firms, has grown his organization like a fatty.
Don't suck like Johnny.
Find a Friend
Small businesses rarely start off with freakish bangs.
Instead, the smarter route to grow your small company is to first become some bigger company's beyotch.
- Find bigger guys to supply your stuff.
- Grow your business incrementally.
- You'll see yourself gradually becoming bigger and bigger.
...until you're the big guy yourself!
Hooray for you.
How to Start Your Journey
Do this:
- Hop on Google...
- Then, search "[companynamehere] suppliers"
- Or, try "[companynamehere] procurement"
- Or, contact a company directly and asking how you can be on its vendor list
(If you're a service company, pitch your ideas. Or, give some value first to show your stuff.)
"But what if I can't break into the Fortune 500 because I don't have a financial history?!"
Try this:
- mid-sized companies
High-five to you.
Be a bizattchi. Supply bigger bidnezzes.
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Posted on May 29