How to Overcome Your Fear to Sell
- You want to sell your amazing products.
- But, your shy-frickin' behind fears rejection.
- So, you continue driving your busted Pinto.
If you're (1) one shy mofo, (2) hate the thought of selling, but (3) want to build a ridiculous business -- what do you do?
Here's what:
Don't climb Mount Humilujkaridario -- yet.
Conquer the mountain's little peaks first.
If you're freakishly scared at the though of selling/being-rejected/hearing-NOs, don't sell your product on Call ^1.
Instead, take itty-bitty steps so you're gradually making your way up the mountain.
For instance:
Your First Step if You're One Shy Mofo
- Do something super-easy, like calling some prospect's customer service department.
- Ask for some information about their company.
- Hang up, and congratulate yourself. You're done!
You just desensitized your fear by a little. You're making your way slowly up that mountain.
Break The Fear Systematically.
Gradually break into your fears in subsequent calls; for instance:
- Call ^2: Request a brochure.
- Call ^3: Recommend something on what you see so far.
- Call ^4: Ask for Chief Sales Officer (or a manager).
- Call ^5: Send information to the CSO.
- Call ^6: Follow-up.
- Call ^7: Pitch a purchase order.
Every subsequent call should be as easy-as-pie, something you could oh-so-totally-do! Hooray!
That helps you conquer your fears in itty-bitty-mother-@^%^-baby steps -- until you're selling like cupcakes at Fatty Camp.
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Posted on June 02