How to Succeed More in Business
The more your experiment, the more you'll succeed in business.
- Great products aren't formed by one magical idea.
- Magnificent designs aren't conceived by one magical spark.
- Thriving businesses don't thrive on one magical business plan.
Instead, to succeed in business, it takes:
- Experimenting.
- Experimenting.
- Experimenting.
Every experiment gets you more:
- knowledge of what the market wants
- understanding of what influences human peeps
- insight into what you can exploit to rock the world
How Something Becomes Great
The process to making anything great:
- You start with something totally sucky.
- You make it suck less.
- Then less.
...until you're gradually releasing/selling/developing/building something totally coooooooooool! Hooray!
But, when do you know specifically how to make something suck less?
You'll know after:
- Experimenting.
- Experimenting.
- Experimenting.
Every experiment gradually gets you closer to your ultimate goal.
Why Can't You Plan These Things?
If it's possible to tell the future, fortune-tellers would be rich and we'd all be their little b@^ches.
But the fact is:
- Amazon still fails.
- Google still fails.
- Steve Jobs still fails.
- Sequoia Capital still fails.
- Your momma still fails.
We can't tell the future. We can't really know what works.
But, we can have a clearer insight of what works.
- Experimenting.
- Experimenting.
- Experimenting.
Every experiment gets you a better insight of what will work.
Result: You make freakish progress to your ultimate goal.
Yay! Hooray! High-five!
The Steppers
- Choose your ultimate goal.
- Experiment like a mofokoko to discover the best path to get there.
- Win!
Experiment like a drug-induced ostrich who just discovered he can't fly.
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Posted on June 04