How to Spend Your Business Time
Try this; compare how much time you're:
- Working on client projects.
- Working on your own business project.
"What in the mofo?"
- Client project: helping fix Freddy Lee's car.
- Business project: building your actual business.
You have two choices how you spend your time:
- work on Freddy Lee's car
- work on your own business
Do more of one, and the other suffers. Do both equally, and you get mediocrity.
"What should I do?! OH NOES!"
When you work on Freddy Lee's car:
- your business project becomes ignored
- your business becomes stale
- your business transitions into the long-lost-f.u.g.l.y.-step-child
Yet, switch it:
What happens to Freddy Lee's car when you work more on your business?
- Yes, you ignore Freddy's car.
- But, you can teach others to fix it.
- You can create a little user's manual on how to service different errors.
- You can hire potentially awesome folks to take over your master job.
What just happened?
Magic just happened. @^^% magic in this form:
- You rock your business project 100%.
- Your employees rock the customer projects 100%.
- Your business grows. You help more people
(Bonus: Your employees helps out on the business project through feedback frequently too.)
Win for all. The best of both worlds. Ta-da.
Let's mother-@^^%^ skip like we ugly children.
Ultimately, you give yourself this:
- time to build your ridiculous business only your uniquely whimsical freakish imagination knows how
Result: You build the business of your freakish dreams.
A business that:
- continuously provides value to tons
- employs passionate freaks
- generates constant innovations
- services customers like Santa @^%^ Claus
- gradually becomes the pinnacle of your industry
You start creating that vision you had when you just started.
At the end of your day, ask yourself:
- How much % did I spend working on Freddy's car?
- How much % did I spend working on my own biz project?
Focus on Your Business. Help More People.
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Posted on June 12