How to Make Your Computer Suck Less
Try this:
- Unplug your computer from the internet.
- Work.
Try that for an hour.
(Or, even 10 minutes.)
See how much more productive your become.
- Before the web = productivity high.
- After the web = productivity low.
The Candy Store
Keeping your computer online is like walking into a candy store without touching anything.
- You'll be okay at first.
- But, temptations will eventually drain your productivity like MoFo.
And If You Really Need the Internet...
Sweet action plan:
- "Before I touch the computer, this is what I want done..."
- "Now, I will get those things done..."
- Repeat ^1.
See how productive your freakish boo-tay becomes.
Unplug. Work.
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Posted on July 07