How to Impress Others
You're gonna build your industry's greatest business.
- You anticipate the rewards and accolades.
- You imagine your grand future with people basking in your presence.
But, you never get there. You fail.
- Fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, and horribly fail.
"Am I a failure?" you thoughtfully ask yourself.
"If I look deep down inside my heart of hearts, am I a failure?"
Of Course You're a Failure!
You big frickin' failure.
You suck.
The moment you try to impress others:
- the moment you fail.
- You don't live in others' shoes.
- You don't know what impresses people.
- So, you can't possibly super-duper-rifically understand what will impress people.
You can only do this:
Impress yourself.
Understand that millions of others like you exist, and will too be impressed.
Winner: You + Millions of Others.
- "Am I happy with myself?"
- "Am I happy with my work?"
- "Am I happy how I manage?"
- "Am I happy with our products?"
- "Am I happy with my business?"
Make masterpieces as defined by YOU, Inc.
Impress yourself.
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Posted on July 09