Why Ugly Projects = Good
Worry about the details later.
You + Building a Car
You can beautify the car all you want for Customer A, but it's NO FREAKING GOOD if it can't run.
- Get it to run.
- Worry about the details later.
Details drain time.
Yet, we usually spend ridiculous amounts of time (e.g., 80% of our allotted time) working on something that only provides 20% importance to the totality of the project.
Distracting ourselves is a reason why:
- Projects = late.
- Goals = squandered.
- Dreams = never started.
Think of Fat Guy + Running
Fat guy screams he'll run this year:
- "I need to get the nicest shoes!"
- "I have to read the latest running magazines!"
- "I need the latest gear!"
- "I need the most awesome running trail!"
Yet, details eventually get him:
- Instead of just frickin' running, his immersion into details prevents him from achieving that goal.
- We Business
- People
- Suck
- Like
- Fat Guy
- Because
- We're So
- @^%^^
- Obsessed with
- The Details
We want X to be oh-so-fricko-perfecto that we forget the most important part:
- Accomplishing the @^^%, even if we're the ugliest @^^% finisher in the world.
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Posted on July 21