What Produces Great Companies
What drove amazingly crazy companies to colossally destroy the market?
- If you're not passionate about something, don't do it.
- If you're not passionate about something, don't do it.
- If you're not passionate about something, don't do it.
- If you're not passionate about something, don't do it.
- If you're not passionate about something, don't do it.
- If you're not passionate about something, don't do it.
- If you're not passionate about something, don't do it.
- If you're not passionate about something, don't do it.
- If you're not passionate about something, don't do it.
- If you're not passionate about something, don't do it.
Get this.
- 6-year research study.
- 2000 pages of interview transcripts.
- 21-person research team.
- 6000 pages of documents.
- 7-year New York Times Bestseller.
What drove companies to become @^^% great?
- Passion.
- Passion.
- Passion.
- Passion.
- Passion.
- Passion.
- Passion.
- Passion.
- Passion.
- Passion.
If you're not passionate every second of your working life, use that as a clue:
- The more you spend on that sucky-suck-suck task/product/project, the more your business destroys its potential.
For each and every little mutha-@^^% thing your business does, ask:
- "Am I/we deeply passionate about doing this mofosoko?"
(Otherwise, delegate/outsource it.)
The barometer:
- Your company's chance to kick-ass is directly proportional to how much passion your company taps.
Passion. Win.
Every @^^% tick.
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Posted on August 08