Why Set Goals Daily
- Set goal.
- Fail goal.
- Set no more goals.
"I always fail my goals!", you scream like a little bizattchi.
"I now avoid setting goals because I don't want to fail anymore!"
Say that to Supertreezy, and he'll throw you off a cliff and eat your children.
Instead, know this:
- Sure, you'll occasionally fail at your goals.
- You'll fail even more if you set no goals.
Read that last little bizattch again:
- You'll fail even more if you set no goals.
Goals psychologically compel you to get work done in the allotted time.
That is, subconsciously:
- Brain sees goals.
- Brain magically revolves its priorities around demolishing those goals.
- Your inner voice: "Hey! I will strive to complete these things! Oh yes I will!"
Yes, You'll Suck at First. But, You'll Suck Good.
Get this:
- Like an inept little 4-year-old who can't play t-ball, you'll initially suck at kicking ass.
- But over time, the more you work on accomplishing your goals, the better you'll become at it.
It's like lifting weights:
- "I will try really hard to complete my goals at first."
- "But, rocking my goals will soon become a natural thang!"
- You = Alex @^^% Rodriguez.
- Goals = Kaput like mofos.
Yay for you. Hooray we all say. High five to you.
Set goals. Blast goals. Repeat.
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Posted on August 25