Why Motivating Your Employees With Incentives Sucks
Think of great NBA stars, world-class golfers, and renowned artists.
- They obsessively crave their work.
- They're constantly driven to perfect and utterly dominate their craft.
- They kick ass regardless of the incentive system.
Yet, businesses think they can get better work by doing this:
- "Hey! If you can accomplish XYZ, we'll give you $$$. YAY!"
Then, they sit back, relax, and anticipate better work -- which never comes.
What Managers Don't Understand
- Tiger Woods doesn't try harder because he sees a financial reward at the end.
- Kobe Bryant doesn't score more points because he gets a season-end bonus.
- Yo-Yo Ma doesn't record better compositions because his label pays him more.
The Rule: People produce X work, regardless of what rewards you give them.
That is, despite their incentive system:
- Great people will produce great work.
- Shoddy people will produce shoddy work.
Yet, managers tend to go for the latter attracting the wrong peeps, then try to set up a reward system to get better work.
You + College
Remember back in college: Who got the best grades?
- a) those worried about their grades
- b) those focused on rocking the work
Worrying about external rewards distracts you from the channel that will get you that reward.
For instance, if Johnny A constantly talks about:
- incentives
- rewards
- $$$
...all day, and everyday, you know:
- Incentives distract him from his work.
- Therefore, he'll produce shoddy work.
Provided you sufficiently compensate them, great people will produce great work regardless of the reward system.
- A passionate web designer will produce an amazing website, provided you sufficiently pay her.
- A money-motivated web designer will produce a horrible piece of S.U.C.K., even if you pay him a million bucks.
The 3-step Process to Attracting Great Talent
- "What compensation will make you happy?"
- Satisfy.
- Watch great work.
Seek passionate peeps.
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Posted on September 08