How to Pay Bad Employees
Bad company:
- Pay good performers market rates.
- Pay bad performers market rates.
Good company:
- Pay good performers X% above market rates.
- Pay bad performers X% drastically below market rates.
- Attract and retain good talent.
- Drive away bad talent, quickly.
Drive away bad talent?
Bad talent thinks:
- "Hey! I can make better $$$ over at the competitor!"
- "Here's my pink slip, biatch. BOOYAH!"
- Fail.
Your company: Win.
"So what do I do?!"
Try this:
- Base salary below market rates.
- Target commissions/bonuses/etc. (coupled with base salary) above market rates.
(e.g., "top 10% of our sales folks get $_")
You'll start driving the bad folks away, opening up more free cash to restart another round of hiring.
Compensate to kick @$^&$^@ ass.
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Posted on September 11