How to Learn Efficiently
- You're reading an article.
- You read it again.
- You read it a third time.
On your fourth try, you finally understand the point of the article.
- You continually follow the same process throughout the day.
- You suck.
Here's how to learn quicker.
How to Learn Like Mofo on Roids
- Pick up a book.
- Set a timer for one minute.
- In that one minute, learn the entire book.
...or if you're reading some lame-o, boring-o bloggy blog machine badooper, try this:
- Open the article.
- Set a timer for 10 seconds.
- In that 10 seconds, comprehend the entire article.
Why Would You Learn So Well?
Because you're doing this:
- You're forcing yourself to understand/comprehend/learn/grasp the BIG picture (i.e., the most important/vital/sex-ay info).
- You ignore the shoddy details that take up space, mother-freakishly draining your time.
Wanna Be A Smart-Ass-Opper?
- 5 books.
Next thing you know, you've grasped the concepts of 5 books in a collective 5 minutes.
Hooray for you.
Learn like mofo on roido.
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Posted on October 21