Why You're Not Selling Anything
- You go to a meeting.
- You get bad vibes.
- You don't follow-up.
Get this:
- We humans psychologically underestimate the likelihood that someone will agree to our request.
Think of this:
- You go to a business park with Freddy.
- Freddy tells you to go in that one office in the corner, and pitch your product.
- You think: "No! They're going to say NO. They're going to reject me. It's a waste of time!"
So, you lose a prospect. You sell nothing. Your numbers suck.
You do it continuously:
- You don't send an email follow-up because you "think" Mr. Kelly will say NO.
- You don't reach out to Company XYZ because you "think" they won't need your services.
- You don't work on a presentation because you "think" you're too small for Firm ABC.
So, you continue doing whatever you're doing, and not focusing on the most important aspect of growing your business:
- Reaching out.
You underestimate the power of asking.
You destroy your company's potential because you "think" XYZ won't need you.
The little sales secret of successful salespeople?
Just. Show. Up.
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Posted on December 20