How Businesses Accomplish Ridiculous Things
- What you do today: Doesn't matter.
- What you do habitually: Matters.
Think: You + Brushing + Teeth
How does a 30-year-old get to 20,000 brushes?
- Not in one sitting.
- Not in freakish blocks (e.g., 1,000 times, x20 times)
It's this:
- Twice-a-day, everyday, for 30 years.
Revolutionary change MOTHER-$%^@%^@%^@ check.
Growth. In. Bits.
Freakish success doesn't rely on one magical event; it relies on what you do today, everyday, for X years.
How does a 500-lb slob become a Richard-Simmons-freshtastic?
- Freaks: magical grasshopper.
- The Wise: 10 windsprints, every day, for 365 days a year.
How do you become a the craziest-baddest-of-the-badass marketer in town?
- Freaks: magical grasshopper.
- The Wise: Learn one new marketing tip, everyday, for 365 days a year.
How does a start-up get to a million-dollar in revenue?
- Freaks: magical grasshopper.
- The Wise: X new customers every week, for 52 weeks.
Like a Plant
Try implementing revolutionary change in X days/weeks, and you'll either: fail, suck, die.
At best, you'll burn out.
If you're a 30-year-old, you've probably eaten over 30,000 meals. How?
- You did it habitually.
- You did it constantly.
...and you'll still continue your prolific streak of 10,000 meals every decade.
What You Do Everyday
What you do everyday determines what your business will become in X years.
- R&D'ing everyday like you're about to affect change 10 years down-the-road: S.U.C.K.
- Improving one new customer's life everyday for 10 years: Freakish business.
Choose your daily tasks wisely.
Who wins at the end?
The MOTHER@$^%@@^%$@ TORTOISE.
Everyday, I/we will: _____________.
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Posted on January 05