Why Your Dictatorship Will Destroy Your Business
(for those who want to build sustainable companies)
Say you're about to hire Chuck as the CEO of your company.
You start thinking:
- "This dude will become boss of everything."
- "We will rest on his laurels."
- "He will dictate the direction of our company."
The next thing you know:
- He comes in with grand ideas.
- He starts messing with your culture.
- He starts revamping things that have taken years to build.
In short, he gradually destroys your business with his incompetence.
Why Do Dictatorships Destroy Countries?
- They're accountable to no one.
- They can do as they please.
- They're given supreme power to do what they believe is needed.
When that happens, you get a recipe for disaster.
Think of the Merrill Lynch CEO dude who decked out his office using millions of shareholder $$$, probably thinking:
- "I should give myself $X,XXX,XXX compensation."
- "That will make me happy and super comfortable."
- "Therefore, I will perform better for the business."
Given enough power, person X will rationalize their profitably-effed-up decisions for what they believe will make a better business; their biases corrode their decision-making, and ultimately hurt a company in the long-run.
The Greatest Country in the World
You know has made America sustainably the strong mother ^@$@^% for the last few centuries?
- a separation of powers (legislative, judicial, executive)
- no one $^@^ can mess up the country
- you don't rely on person X's competence, since the other two -- equal in power -- can override X's incompetent decision
That means if Johnny can't perform X -- but thinks he can perform X, but two others with equal power say: "Nuh uh. You think you know X, but you have no idea about X", that means Johnny's incompetent ideas are disqualified before they can destroy the organization.
Checks-and-balances to the ^^@!.
A separation of powers consistently drives the best ideas to the top of the pack; sure you might have hiccups, but you ensure that the best ones rise freakishly-freshtastic much more than the bad ones.
It's why Google, probably the most well-run organization in the world, has a triumvirate (Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt) that decides the direction of its company.
- If Larry thinks Q is best, but Sergey and Eric think T is best -- then T wins
- No one person has supreme power
- The best ideas/decisions/stuff rise to the top
Consider. Triumvirate.
If you have a company with just one person in charge, consider forming a triumvirate:
- one person that's elected by your employees (ding! ding! power to the front-line!)
- one person that's elected by your senior execs
- one person that's elected by your: _________
Then do this:
- Give each an integral responsibility (e.g., CEO of products, CEO of strategy, etc.).
- Ensure each can check-and-balance the other, so that power is equally distributed across the board.
Accountability, sustainability, freakish-fantastic results.
Separate powers.
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Posted on February 17