Why Focus Your Sales on Your Customer's Problems
- "Buy our product!"
- "We have so many great features!"
- "OH YEAH!"
But then get this when Superstar Saleswoman Sally SeeSee goes up to pitch:
- She focuses on Client X's problems.
- She helps solve Client X's problems in whatever capacity she can (e.g., submitting articles, giving her own tips, etc.).
- Then when she spots her product can help Client X's problems, she pitches it.
That way:
- She establishes credibility with her customer.
- She provides a value-first approach -- increasing the reciprocity effect.
- She builds a long-term consultative approach to Client X, which produces repeat sales in the future.
Notice how 9879658796 sales reps pitching to your company focus on persuading you to buy their products without really understanding what you really want accomplished.
People like to do business with people they like. People like to do even more business with people they trust.
Be their resource.
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Posted on March 19