Why Athletes Get Into The Zone and Why You Suck
Lebron, Nadal, Crosby:
- To win the game.
- ...in 4-quarters/3-sets/3-periods.
- ...against X opponent.
One clear goal -- with a time limit.
Chances are:
- You have tons of goals.
- You're trying to tackle 5/10/20/30 goals at this minute.
- You never know if you performed well (i.e., you won or loss).
- You have goals you want to "accomplish today, but if I can't accomplish them today, I can accomplish them tomorrow. YAY! HUG ME!"
Performing at your peak takes getting into the zone -- with one distinct, clear, freak-tastic goal that lets you know:
- "If I don't acomplish X in Y minutes/hours/periods, I lose."
- "If I accomplish X in Y minutes/hours/periods, I win."
Psychologically giving yourself a win/lose scenario gets you performing.
The losses also give you feedback on what you can do to win in subsequent scenarios.
How to Get Into a Zone
Here's what you can do:
- Choose something you want to beat the mother %^^% down in the next 5 minutes.
- Set a timer.
- Go.
You = in the zone.
Use the above model to tackle other stuff/goals/tasks/projects.
Keep track of your win/loss records; make it a game.
See yourself performing ridiculously much more, as your more productive boot-ay gets stuff %$^@%$^@ DONE.
Freaktastically clear goals.
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Posted on May 04