How to Maximize Your Company's Chances for Success
If you were to name three weaknesses that are hurting your company financially, what would those be?
Now if you were to fix your weaknesses, what would you do?
- "Concentrate on them!", they say.
- "Believe in yourself!", they scream.
- "You can do it!", they tell you.
Trying to overcome your weaknesses, though, might take years or decades -- rendering more obstacles that impede your success further.
For instance, while you're fixing your sales dilemma, your operations side begins to suffer and you start to lose your best clients.
Even worse, running your company with glaring weaknesses financially destroys your company's exponential long-term growth (think compounded interest rates from your ROE).
Try This Instead
Instead of trying to do it all, try this:
- Your ^1 priority before you do anything else? Find folks whose greatest strengths are your company's greatest weaknesses.
You start making your company stronger to the max.
Top sports teams do that consistently, but africkinlot of businesses spend their money elsewhere so they continue to suck.
While a sports team concentrates on getting a top player, a business focuses on leasing expensive rent.
- ...or it starts furnishing their offices with expensive chairs
- ...or it starts looking at catalogs to buy expensive trucks (or plants, or equipment, or the yaddas)
A solid sports team knows you have to obsessively focus and invest in the people business if you want championships.
Take the Lakers in 2006.
- Kobe's 2006 Lakers lacked an inside presence who could rebound and score low-post points consistently.
- They traded for a primier center in Pau Gasol.
- They've been indestructible since.
Virtually any company has weaknesses that financially strain its pocketbooks, which good folks will patch up quickly and efficiently.
Instead of taking years, they shore up your weaknesses in months, solidifying your company's foundation, and increasing your company's long-term value.
The key is to make finding those people your absolute top priority.
- List your company's biggest weaknesses (i.e. those weaknesses that corrupt your company from reaching its full potential).
- Hire those with proven results in demolishing those weaknesses.
(No money? Get experts at SCORE to help, or start networking, or do something within your creative power to find good folks. Then start saving up or raising $$ to recruit good people to your company.)
Good people = greatest appreciating assets you'll ever have.
Get good people.
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Posted on September 18