How to Stop Buying Things Unnecessarily
- You buy Books, A, B, C, D, E from Amazon.
- You don't read them.
- You're now thinking about buying Books F, G, H, I, J.
How do you stop buying things unnecessarily?
- "I will buy new books when I finish reading the unread books I've purchased."
- Done.
Before you make a purchase, try this:
- List things you've purchased but haven't really used.
- Know that the next thing you buy will likely go on that list.
- Tell yourself that you'll buy the item if you can clear your List-of-Things-I've-Bought-But-Haven't-Used.
For instance, companies that use consulting services tend to waste freakish dollars purchasing new consulting services.
- They purchase expensive consultants.
- Consultants provide expensive reports.
- Executives ignore expensive reports -- thinking they'll get back to them later.
- They never get to the report and instead purchase new consultants who write another report -- which they never really use.
Dollars wasted.
Cycle continues.
More dollars wasted.
Clear your List-of-Things-We/I've-Bought-But-Haven't-Used list before you make another unnecessary purchase.
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Posted on September 30