Why You Should Take a Lot of Risks
- Football Team Z plays conservative football.
- They throw little 5-yard passes.
- They never take chances at throwing deep.
What happens?
S.U.C.K.I.N.G happens.
By practicing little 5-yard dump passes, you become super ridiculously very good HIGH FIVE at throwing 5-yard passes.
- BUT, you start S.U.C.K.I.N.G at throwing deeps passes that will win you games.
- ...and get you on magazine covers.
- ...and get your million-dollar endorsement deals.
By avoiding take risks and winning big, you avoid practicing the skills that will help you WIN BIG HIGH FIVE.
Take these mofros:
- Bubba practices hitting home runs.
- He hits more home runs.
- Billy practices beating chessmasters.
- He beats more chessmasters.
- Boobimzzle practices closing Fortune 500 clients.
- Boobimzzle closes more Fortune 500 clients.
By practicing winning big, YOU WIN BIG OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
Take chances.
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Posted on November 01