Making Your Company More Efficient
- Business X closes itself from hiring outsiders.
- It needs Person X to do Task X.
- An insider does the task in 20 hours.
An outsider in Arkansas could've done the same task in 10 hours -- and let Person X focus her 20 hours on more productive and efficient tasks.
Everyone wins.
- Your company win more productivity.
- Your employees win by strengthening their more competitive weapons.
- Your new vendors win with new work.
- Your customers lower prices.
Isolating your company from the surrounding world drives up your costs, drains your productivity, and keeps your earnings stagnant.
Business X shouldn't confine its office to the productivity of its employees in-house; instead, it should see the world as its freakish work force, and find the most efficient person/team to complete Task X.
Leverage The World.
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Posted on November 02