How to Combat Piracy
- A movie gets pirated.
- The movie's company makes $0.
- They cry.
How do movies combat that?
- They place hidden advertisements throughout their movie.
- They use piracy as a weapon to get value from pirates.
If Item X gets stolen like a mofosoko-on-roido, do this:
- We have more eyeballs.
- How do we increase revenue from those eyeballs?
- Go accordingly.
For example, say you sell a digital book that gets stolen like-always-and-always:
- Pitch an advertisement for Service X.
- Increase $.
Adobe, makers of the most pirated software on ^%$^%$ Earth (Photoshop), exposes users to a marketplace where they can buy add-ons, complementary software from its Suite, books, training sessions, etc.
Microsoft used to do something similar when you could easily replicate its software on multiple machines.
Use piracy as your competitive advantage to sell more goods.
Leverage eyeballs.
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Posted on November 02