How to Hire Team Members for Your Business
- "I like Chuck, but I don't like working with him."
- "He doesn't have the same work ethic as we do."
- "But we need him, so let's hire him!!"
As you bring in Chuck, he ruins your entire company's culture.
- Your business starts becoming less energized.
- The work ethic declines.
- You start sucking.
The Hiring Strategy
Try this:
- Those who fit your company's values/philosophy/work-ethic/etc. = internal team.
- Those who don't fit but are still needed = contractors/freelancers.
Hire internal people who fit your values system -- those who you:
- love working with
- know won't corrode your culture
- see as perfect representatives of your business
Contract the rest.
Those who fit.
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Posted on November 06