How to Stick to a To-Do List

  1. You start with a task list.
  2. You put 3 items on it.
  3. BAM: then 100 items.

Your todo list becomes bloated, with you mixing things you really have to do with things you might want to do.

Your todo list becomes ineffective, as your list grows bigger and bigger by the day -- saturating your list with JUNK.


Create a Maybe Folder, where you can dump your non-essential things and start focusing on your most essential things.



A Maybe Folder lets you dump your endless supply of ideas and thoughts into a folder faaaaarrrrrrr away from the things that really matter.

A Maybe Folder, using Pareto's Rule, trims your todo list by 80% (the FAT), letting you focus on the core -- motherfreakishly important -- tasks (the top 20%).

  • You start sticking to your todo list more-and-more-and-more as you fill it with core things -- away from the non-essential things.

You start soaring.

Like a hawk just did The Nasty with a cow.


The Maybe List

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Posted on January 22

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