How to End Procrastination Forever

  1. You constantly procrastinate on X.
  2. You try procratination fixes, but nothing works.


What should you do?

Procrastination tells you this:

  • I dislike the work.
  • I want to avoid the work for as long as possible.
  • I'd rather do something else.

Becoming great at X takes years of dedication; if you're not passionate about what you're doing, you'll continually procrastinate.

That leaves you with mediocrity and limited potential, and the production of SUCK-SUCK.

  1. Earning potential down the tubes.
  2. Your days wasted away.
  3. Your living with fears constantly reappears as you shed your sad-sad-sad tears.

What to do?

Try this: Rid yourself of whatever makes you procrastinate.

  • If it's a necessary task, delegate it.
  • If it's not, trash it.

Fixate your bad self on what taps your passions (and which the world would gladly pay you to do).

  • If you don't know what taps your passions: Try experimenting with as many different roles as you can; you'll eventually dwindle stuff down until you find the sweetest X that rocks your passions.

You'll know you're in the right line of work once procrastinating becomes an unfamilar trait that someone else unfortunate-but-not-me-oh-no experiences.

Your work on the other hand will constantly pull you to it, compelling you to rock the krashingle out of it each and every single day for the rest of eternity.

Slap Procrastination like it just stole your lunch money and spit on your momma.

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Posted on September 14

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